
~A little advice for the boys~

нэг хичээл дээр хийж байсан бие даалтаа оллоо

~A little advice for the boys~

One day, you will love somebody and wants to make her happy. Or maybe, you are the lucky guy who already has met your love. Then, how do you prosper your relationship and keep it fresh? You may know its secret, but here are some more simple advices and hints for you.

Let’s assume that man and woman give scores to each other without telling it. This score all goes to a saving for your relationship’s goodness. The more saving you have, the stronger and tighter your relationship is. Now let’s do some calculation.

How many scores do you think you will get when you give her 10000$ necklace? How many scores do you think you earn when you give her a bunch of flowers that you picked it up at a train station in your way to home? And how many scores do you think you can save when you just throw garbage on the weekends? Perhaps you think that you will get 50 when you give her 10000$ necklace, 10 for a bunch of flowers from train station, and 1 for throwing garbage on the weekends. Maybe, even you might feel that you are ignored when you throw garbage. And you might feel so confident when you give her a beautiful and luxurious necklace.

Here is the answer. Women will give you 1 point for each of these actions not depending on its price. It is because that they don’t consider the price as important factor in scoring. Surprised? Unfortunately, it’s true.

Men tend to think that they are getting big scores from his spouse when he works and stays all day long at work. After they came to home, they think that they had worked overtime and earned a lot that day. Then they just lie in the sofa and watch news, telling how hard and long day was at work. Man thinks that he got 50 points because he got an increase in his salary cause of overtime working. This makes him to think that his saving is good enough now and there is no need to do more, just wait a little bit for his wife to save more points until it becomes same as his saving. But, woman gives 1 or 2 points for this. Because of this misunderstanding, relationship may be hurt.

Instead of working late, just come to home early and have some time to talk with your wife. Ask how her day was and whether she is tired, etc. Sometimes just tell her that you are going to wash dishes and clean the table after dinner. This will give man 1 point, too. When you go out with your wife, don’t ask if her bag is heavy or not, just take her bag for her. This will give you 1 point, too.

Don’t forget your anniversaries. If she goes to a hairdresser, tell her that she looks nice. Tell her that you are going to throw the garbage before she tells you to do so. Instead of waiting for anniversaries or special occasions, give her a nice chocolate or a bunch of flowers in just normal days. All this will help you to save more points so easily.

Just remember that market norm do not work in the relationship with women (of course, there are few cases that works, but their purposes are obviously different). Women will give you more scores if you concentrate on the social norms, not on the market norms and behave correctly. This is the core.


gantulgan said...

read it. :D

mootsoo said...

Диван дээр ёолоод хэвтэж байх шиг сайхан юм хаана байна.
Хүүхнүүдийн үсээ янзлуулсан этр ийг ажиглаж мэднэ гэж ёстой байх ч үгүй.
Энэ дотроос ганц оноо авах нь цүнхийг авах л юм даа.
Тэхээр нэг юмтай болвол байнга л гадуур дагуулаад цүнхийг нь бариад явахаас овоо хэдэн оноо цуглуулах байх :P

Tegshee said...

dandaa gantshan tsunhiig ni bariad yavaad baival suulruugee nogoodoh chini toolohoo bolichihoj magadgui shuu, odor bolgon shine arga hereglehgui bol

Hanper said...

simply just ignore them and you will get a hundred point ;))
but it would be useless because it is minus. :p

Anonymous said...

agree with Hanper